1432 Effect Of Organic And Chemical Fertilizers On The Growth Rate Of Tambaqui Fish (Colossoma macropomum) (Pisces; Characidae) In Floodplain Fish Ponds In The Eastern Amazon, Pará State, Brazil


  • Alex da Silva Lobão Souza
  • Raimundo Aderson Lobão de Souza
  • Alberto Carvalho Peret
  • Nuno Filipe Alves Correia de Melo
  • Jorge Luiz Rodrigues Filho


Amazon River Basin, fishes, fish-farming, water quality


The effect of organic and chemical fertilizers in fish ponds on the growth rate of tambaqui (Colossoma
macropomum) from Pará state, Brazil, was the objective of this work. Three 600 m2
fish ponds located in the
floodplain of the Guamá River near the city of Belém, at 01°27’20”S; 48°30’15”W, were used where juvenile fish
were subjected to three treatments: organic fertilizer (in fish pond 1); organic and chemical fertilizers (fish pond 2);
and a control that was not treated with any kind of fertilizer (fish pond 3). The weight to length ratio was calculated
and adjusted by the method of the least squares applied to the logarithmic transformations relevant to the data of
length and weight. It was found that the application of only organic fertilizer was more efficient for biomass gain
than using chemical and organic fertilizers together in floodplain fish farming.


